Red Lettering

Stories will not be written easily. A story without a heart is dead, and the only place it will get a heart is from the author.


A story without a heart is dead, and the only place it will get a heart is from the author. We stain our words red with our own blood, and our hearts are stained red by His.


Kira Thomas was born smack in the middle of autumn – only, she was born in Texas, so really it was late summer. Since then, she migrated like a very confused pigeon for a few years, before settling in the center of a tangle of trees where she enjoys mixing large portions of clay-filled dirt, killing the plants she does not like and watering the plants she does. She will then consume their offspring.

She is fond of the simple things – to grow from the honest earth; to make with your hands; to create from nothingness entire worlds and people from 26 randomized splotches of ink on smashed tree pulp; to bring forth beauty out of chaos.Β 

If you were looking for her, she could be found on Instagram, outside somewhere, or avoiding her novel in other, more interesting ways. She was formerly seen around the internet as Athelas Hale.




About Page Archive – for comment clarity:
March 2014 – July 2018

25 thoughts on “About

  1. I have but one thing to say.


    That is all. -.-

  2. “If you’re a writer, or a reader, or even a normal human being”

    Yep, we writers aren’t that normal, are we? πŸ™‚

  3. So glad to find your blog! πŸ™‚ Can’t wait to read more of your work!

  4. Hi! I was wondering if you’d like to join my virtual book tour next weekend (March 7/8). I’d love to have you!

  5. Elsabet on said:

    I just found your blog AND I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! I find it quite inspiring. This blog is too cool!

  6. Hey, Athelas. I don’t know if you do these things, but I just “nominated” you for this thing called “Infinity Dreams Award.” It might be fun for you to do, and even if you don’t want to do it, I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoy your blog! Here is a link to the “award”:

  7. thelonelysparrow on said:

    Hi Athelas! I tagged you for the 777 Challenge at the end of April, but I forgot to tell my nominees until this morning. *facepalm* Anyways, if you’d like to do it, you can find out more about it here:

  8. Hi! I just re-found you blog! I love it and it’s quite inspiring! Also, I love your name! I love any name that I haven’t heard before πŸ™‚

  9. Hey Athelas! I nominated you for the Liebester award, check it out!

  10. Hi! I nominated you for another award (sorry, I don’t “know” many bloggers πŸ™‚ ).

    Infinity Dreams Award

  11. Sorry Athelas, but I’m volunteering you for the Infinity Dreams Award again! Feel free to ignore it! πŸ˜›

    Infinity Dreams Award

  12. Wow…that is a big family! And I thought I had a big family.

    This looks like a great blog1 πŸ™‚ I’ll be checking out more…

  13. Good gracious, 13 kids! I have 7, but I guess I’m not too impressed with that number anymore– I know two families with 11 kids, one with 10, and one with 9. πŸ˜‰ You have a great blog!

    • Oh, no! Just eleven kids, two parents.
      Seven is an exceptional number, and definitely impressive. πŸ™‚
      I’m very glad you like it! It’s a pleasure to meet you, and to have you here!

  14. πŸ™‚ So encouraged to discover another Christian fantasy author/writing blogger out here on the internet! Love your blog, by the way.

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